Monatsarchiv: Oktober 2015

Why be a Volunteer?

One year ago, I got aware, that I should slowly decide, what I want to study next year. The decision was not easy to make, since I have many diffrent interests and passions. Therefore, I decided to postpone it and … Weiterlesen

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The „St. Louis Bus Culture“

26th of October Every day I take the bus to the City museum. Inside trains and performms Circus Harmony Who never had a bus ride in St. Louis, can not claim, to have seen or rather have experienced St. Louis. … Weiterlesen

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Who is Hussain?

25th of October On group in Circus Harmony is called the St. Louis Arches. They are the best kids of Circus Harmony and have in average age of 13-14. Unfortunately the second Arch in one week was injuried. This is … Weiterlesen

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A lot of Newspapers

23rd of October Me, Charlotte (my older new sister), Stella (my younger new sister) , her cousin in a Jeep on the way to the Tower Growth Park. Although the margin between rich and poor is huge, there is one … Weiterlesen

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„Cool down for clima change!“

22nd of October I enjoy the lazy American life style. I enjoy getting up half asleep in the morning and taking cold water with ice cubes from the magic fridge. In Germany it would take me minutes to hammer the … Weiterlesen

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„Greatest show on earth?“

17th of October 2015 © Jessica Hentoff Today we perform in a pre-show of Ringling Brothers, the biggest Circus of the US. Although Circus Harmony has already performed in this Circus, Jessica is noticeable exited. Today I became aware, that … Weiterlesen

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My new room

16th of October 2015 After sleeping one month on the floor I bought a bed and decorate a little bit my room with two American flags, to be aware in which country I am right now. Moreover, I got on … Weiterlesen

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Meeting other volunteers from Germany

15th of October Today I met two other volunteers of my organization IJGD. Both also work in a circus close to Cincinnati. They had much luck with their host. They live on the 27th floor of a modern luxury building … Weiterlesen

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Milwaukee – Art and Harley Davidson

13rd of October 2015 I don´t know why, but we have the impression, that we have already seen everything from Chicago. Chris has to leave to go to his cold university in the North. We decide to rent a car … Weiterlesen

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Chicago – „The windy city“

12th of October 2015 I come never back! I am in Chicago! This is a refrain of a famous German song. At the day before yesterday, I took the train to Chicago. The train started moving so slow, that after … Weiterlesen

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